This bundle includes both the G7 Video Guide and the G85 Video Guide. Many users don't know which camera they need and each guide has overlapping information including bonus content like the budget video shoot from section 5 of the G7 guide.

G85 Guide

This guide is aimed at anyone looking to get the best possible video quality out of their Panasonic G85. By the end of this guide, you’ll know your camera front to back and how to wield it in any shooting situation.


With a little tweaking, this camera is the perfect capture device for youtubers, vloggers, DPs, and wedding filmmakers. Don’t be fooled though, this guide isn’t just a list of recommended settings, we will be going through some film/video theory to master the cinematic image on this little camera.


You will also know what gear you need/don’t need to get great image quality, audio, stabilization and power. Gone are the days of large rigs. Welcome to the age of mirrorless cameras.

G7 Guide

The G7 Guide is your road map to mastering video on the Panasonic G7.

I produced this video training specifically for budget minded filmmakers who want to harness the full power of this amazing little 4K camera.
No matter what you shoot, this guide has everything you need to take this small stills camera and turn it into a cinematic video shooting machine.